The problem
"Nature will give you what you put into it." - so that children and young people know that the experience of seeing the world from horseback is contingent on caring for these animals. Just as every other benefit we get from nature is conditional on how we treat it.
The solution we used
Organising a professional excursion to an eco horse farm in the village of Bukovec in the Myjava Hills.
We organized a professional excursion to an eco horse farm in the village of Bukovec in the Myjavské kopanice, where the Betty Riding Club is dedicated to breeding Furioso, Muránsky Norik, park jumping and organizing horse camps for children, teenagers and adults. Working with horses is an opportunity to understand that nature repays us for our care of her - in this case, horses. The owners of the farm use the surrounding fields and meadows to produce fodder for their animals and also to make bedding for the stabled horses. Through this experiential field trip, students realized that raising horses in harmony with nature and its cycles is an important part of the ecosystem.