The problem
Helmholtz Gymnasium offer of snacks has not been very healthy and sustainable. Gymnasium set out to develop a new offer for the pupils.
The solution we used
The idea was implemented by the local, organic bakery Troll. Fresh sandwhiches, wraps, muffins and foccachia - the offer was varied. The entire student body was invited to sample, free of charge. The only requirement: fill out the feedback form at the end. The evaluation took place afterwards in the school food working group.
Hard, soft, grainy, creamy, fresh, crunchy. Freshly prepared food offers many different sensory impressions, exciting for palate and brain.
What spices do I taste in the foccachia, do I prefer sweet muffins or savoury ones? Get to know your own taste, be brave together with the other pupils testing new things... It's been a long time since breakfast break was this social and interactive.
And then it tasted good, too! Even the two biggest meat advocates are suddenly convinced: vegetarian can taste good!
The take-home message was: food can be tasty and healthy at the same time. Trying new things is fun and sometimes you will be surprised.