The problem
"Traditional food deserves to be protected" Let us teach our children and students that our traditional local food deserves to be protected by an EU trademark, but also by our pride and responsibility to follow proven recipes.
The solution we used
Organise a professional excursion to Skalica and visit the family bakery 'U Havlíků', where they bake traditional Skalické trdelníky.
We organised a professional excursion to the family firm 'U Havlíků' - a bakery in Skalica, where they bake Skalický trdelník according to a traditional family recipe. This recipe is protected by an EU trademark. The students had the opportunity to try the preparation of this traditional local sweet product in the form of a workshop. They learned how important it is to preserve and protect the heritage of our ancestors. The Havlík family has been doing this for decades.