The problem
Too much school food was being thrown away. The children were always dissatisfied with the menu on offer. It often didn't suit their taste, and they complained to their parents that the school didn't serve good food.
The solution we used
The two kitchen ladies observed that cream soups, for example, were hardly eaten by the children. Based on detailed feedback from their observations, we decided to involve the children in the menu selection. This makes the menu selection more ‘child-orientated’ and the children learn to put together a healthy and balanced menu selection for the week.
The menu selection is co-determined by the children in each group. The leisure time pedagogue explains to the children the requirements that must be met when ordering food - enough vegetables, not sweets every day - enough protein-rich food. The "MAX Catering" menu is presented to the children and together with the leisure teacher they choose the menus for the week. The afternoon groups take turns to have a say in the choice.