The problem
Butterflies are beautiful, enchanting creatures with their splendid colours and delicacy, but do we also know what ecological significance they play for the ecosystem?
The solution we used
Butterflies are beautiful, enchanting creatures with their splendid colours and delicacy, and are probably among the prettiest garden visitors to our native fauna. From the caterpillar to the butterfly, they have a high and broad ecological significance and play an enormously important role in the ecosystem in which they live.
Randegg secondary school was inspired by ‘Nature in the Garden’ (environmental movement in Lower Austria) and took part in the virtual butterfly run.
Whether the pupils preferred to run, walk or hike during the Butterfly Run was up to them. The route was agreed together with the teachers, so all classes of the secondary school spent an active lesson in nature. As a thank you for their participation, the pupils received a personalised certificate by email, a wooden medal, and a seed bag by post from ‘Nature in the Garden’. This allows everyone to realise a ‘butterfly paradise’ in their garden, on the balcony or on the terrace. The resulting plants provide food and an important habitat for caterpillars and the resulting butterflies.